Friday 3 June 2016


Dear readers, how I wish could scream for the whole world to hear. Yes, the world must hear this news. The world must hear that somewhere in the southern axis of Nigeria, Akwa Ibom State to be precise, a modern day David has defeated a modern day Goliath. Where are those who always beat their chest and brag that their "god" has never ever lost a legal battle? Someone should help me tell them that a certain Odudu Ukpanah has aborted that unwanted record. Senator Chief Godswill Akpabio has finally kissed the legal dust.
Dear reader, I can hear you ask: "What is he really talking about?" Probably, you have been living under a rock; otherwise you would have heard that an Elder statesman,Engr. Albert Ukpanah, was murdered, his son incarcerated, his daughters victimized and his loyalists threatened by one man whose nickname should be Dracula. And that was just the early part of a long tale capable of squeezing tears out of stone.
Heaven knows that I don't hate Akpabio as a person. I appreciate his contributions to my state of origin. I only frown at his excesses. When a governor (as he then was) chooses not to follow due process and instead resort to governing via maniacal antics and tactics, then something has gone amiss. Throughout Akpabio's eight long years as governor, victimization was a key weapon in his arsenal.
When Albert Ukpanah was gruesomely dispatched to the land of no return, the consensus school of thought was that it was "politically motivated." The Police later corroborated the fact-backed belief.
But all of a sudden, Akpabio went gaga. Immediately after Engr. Ukpanah's corpse was committed to mother earth, he ordered the arrest of the son, Odudu. Loads of baseless claims were heaped on his young head.
Before one could pronounce wickedness, Akpabio ordered that a case be filed at the Abak High Court. The case was titled: "THE STATE VERSUS ODUDU UKPANAH"
Akpabio's vitriolic vituperations did not help matters. He told those who cared to listen how Odudu murdered the father. Akpabio goofed by accusing without evidence. Odudu featured prominently in his speeches at various events. And he almost brainwashed many. But sane people knew that his vituperation was a smokescreen.
Days rolled into weeks, weeks into months. Months later metamorphosed into a couple of years. We waited for the judgement. We hanged our hope on the fact that a clear conscience fears no accusation.
And on Thursday, June 2, 2016, news broke that Justice Ezekiel Enang had to discharge and acquit the accused on grounds that the allegations are absolute balderdash.
While the Ukpanahs can now heave a sigh of relief, the damage has already been done. Their father was slaughtered on the altar of Akwa Ibom politics. The family's resources (financially and otherwise) which could have been used in profitable ventures were channeled towards countering the propaganda war waged by someone with stained hands.
Make no mistake, I am not a historian. As a Christian, I believe in forgiveness. But how can someone who has seemingly vowed to die with wickedness be forgiven?
Justice Enang has delivered his judgment as a human. What remains is the divine judgement to be delivered by the Supreme Attorney of the Universe. The pains and tears of the Ukpanahs shall be taken into consideration by the divine judge. The blood of Mr. Ukpanah shall speak on that day. There and then, the blood thirsty never-do-well will know that Karma is an infectious bitch.
Dear readers, something tells me that this is panic time in the camp of our political Draculas.


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